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Classification & Duty Reclaims.

Our customs classification service has helped customers save over 300m euros to date.

Our experienced customs experts will spot opportunities and help fix any issues that have the potential to cause problems in the future.

Why not get in touch to see if your business is eligible to save on import fees with our free, no risk assessment.

Understanding Classification.

Understanding the classification of products is key to good compliance and it can also lead to savings in duty costs and a reduction in duty liabilities. 

If your company is importing finished goods, food stuff, raw materials, or components for manufacturing or further processing from outside the EU, it is important to correctly assign commodity codes in order to pay the right amount of duty.

Assigning the correct commodity code on import determines the amount of customs duty you’ll pay – so it’s vital that your company uses them properly to avoid over payments in customs duty.

There are three vital elements which determine the amount of import customs duty paid for non-EU imports:

  • Valuation
  • Origin
  • Correct Classification Code

We can help spot these opportunities, avoid costly overpayments, and recover any overpayments in customs duty.

Our customs classification experts:

  • Bring relevant classification planning ideas to bear, via BTI applications to EU customs authorities and ATaR applications in the UK.
  • Recover customs duty you have paid to customs authorities as far back as three years on your behalf.
  • Keep up with the latest developments in customs trade tariffs, meaning you don’t have to.

  • Navigate the complicated customs system in the EU and spot problems and opportunities to help your business minimise the customs duty paid.
  • Provide recommendations and advice so you can focus on running your business.

Advance Tariff Ruling (ATaR)/ Binding Tariff Information (BTI).

Obtaining a legally binding ruling can provide certainty and the comfort of knowing you are using the commodity your import declarations.  An ATaR (EU)/BTI (UK) can irradicate any uncertainty and protect you from any unforeseen assessment.

Customs Warehousing.

Not all supplies will benefit from the Trade and Cooperation Agreement. Therefore, the need for a customs warehouse is becoming more relevant. Duties can be saved if the intention is for imported goods to be moved across borders again. 

Classification – The Process.

Step 1 icon

Classifying goods for customs purposes underpinned by the Union Customs Code (UCC) Legislation

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We review your Historic Import Records for:

Incorrect codes

Ineffective importing methods

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We apply our customs domain knowledge to your trade operations

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We review your affected imports going back 3 years

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Tariff Classification changes supported by BTI Rulings giving legal surety

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We expedite duty reclaims to a successful conclusion with Customs Authorities

Helping you choose the right classification codes for your goods.

Tariff classification codes are used to help identify what goods are moving in and out of the EU. It’s therefore of utmost importance that you identify your goods with the correct codes.

Our experts will walk you through the right classification for your goods, helping you to apply the right codes to your imports.

Ever-changing commodity codes.

With codes being updated monthly, it can be difficult for businesses to keep on top of the changes themselves. That’s why we work with you to identify these changes and reclassify your goods before the wrong amount of duty is paid.

We can keep track of these changes for you, to help you spot new opportunities for reclassification.

We can also aid in reclassification and new duty reclaims if you’ve been caught out by these changes in the past.

We will help you to submit your claim to the relevant tax authority, in order to recover the overpayments.